Instruction Steps:

  1. Select your transportation method (Walk, Run, Bike, Wheelchair) using the radio buttons.
  2. Type in the name of the first building in your schedule into the input box.
      - Type the building's full name or abbreviation (names taken from
      - Dormitories and Stevens Court are valid buildings (but not other apartments)
  3. Autocomplete will try to match the building for you.
      - As you type more letters, autocomplete will narrow down the selection options
      - Use your up-down arrow keys to highlight the building you want
            * Note: If your mouse is on the autocomplete options, the arrow keys may not work (Firefox)
  4. When the building you want is highlighted, press enter.
      - The selected building will be circled in red on the map
      - The building name will display below the input box
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 with the remaining buildings in your schedule
      - Building names, along with estimated traveling times and total distance will display below the input box
      - The map will show the path (in green highlighting) between each consecutive pair of buildings
  6. Interact with the map:
      - Left-click and drag to move around
      - Press the ‘+’ button to zoom in and the ‘–’ button to zoom out
  7. Entered a wrong building? Delete buildings from your path by clicking the ‘x’ button associated w/ each building.
      - Estimated traveling times and total distance will automatically update
      - The map paths will automatically update